How To Prevent Your Car Cabin From Overheating? Follow These 6 Tips

Lakshya Rana
May 29, 2024


Place sunshades on your windshield and rear window to block direct sunlight.

Tinted Windows

Consider professional window tinting (As per rules) to reduce heat and UV rays entering your car.

Park In Shade

Whenever possible, park your car in a shaded area or use a car cover to protect it from direct sunlight.

Ventilate Your Car

Leave windows slightly open to allow hot air to escape, but ensure it's secure against theft.

Cover Your Seats

Use light-colored seat covers to reduce heat absorption and keep seats cooler.

AC System

Ensure your air conditioning system is in top condition. If it isn't, get it serviced for optimal performance.


These tips can help maintain a cool temperature inside your car cabin.


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