Kill Bacteria For Free: Simple Tips To Clean Your Car's AC Vents at Home


When summer arrives and you take your car for AC servicing, service centers often recommend fumigation.


They explain that bacteria may have accumulated in the AC vents or ducts, which necessitates fumigation to eliminate them.


Fumigation is a process that involves the use of antibacterial chemicals or gases to kill harmful bacteria.


For this, a chemical is injected into the AC vents through pipes or spray during the AC servicing. This chemical cleans the AC vents from the inside.


This process can cost between Rs 500 and Rs 1000-1500. However, the bacteria accumulated in the vents can also be eliminated at home for free.


To do this, you simply need to use your car’s heater correctly. Set the heater to maximum heat and run the blower at maximum speed.


After doing this, open all the windows of your car to allow the hot air to escape and prevent the cabin from overheating.


Leave the heater on at full blower speed for 15 to 20 minutes. This will increase the temperature in the AC vents, killing the bacteria.


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