Why Are Tyres Black? Decoding The Mind-Blowing Idea; Most People Don't Know

Lakshya Rana
May 28, 2024

Natural Rubber Color

Natural rubber is white or off-white in color when it is first harvested from rubber trees.

Carbon Black Additive

During the tyre manufacturing process, a material called carbon black is added to the rubber.

Strength & Durability

Carbon black significantly enhances the strength and durability of the rubber, making tyres more resistant to wear and tear.

Heat Dissipation

Carbon black helps in better heat dissipation, preventing tyres from overheating and reducing the risk of blowouts.


Carbon black is an affordable additive that enhances tyre performance without significantly increasing production costs.

Historical Development

Early tyres were white until the benefits of adding carbon black were discovered and adopted widely by manufacturers.

Black Tyres

The black color of tyres is because of added carbon black, which has become the industry standard due to its numerous benefits of carbon black.


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