10 Businesses You Can Start With Rs 10K

Mobile Food Shop

1. The best small business venture that can be started with Rs 10K is a mobile food shop. All you will need is kitchen appliances, groceries, tables, and the ideal location to launch your business.

Home-Based Bakery

2. Home-based bakery is a great business idea that you can start with Rs 10,000. If you love baking and have creativity, start a home-based bakery today.

Tiffin Service

3. You can start a tiffin service catering with an investment of Rs 10K. You can start the business with the basic set-up of the kitchen like gas, stove, mixer, pots, and pans.

Pet Grooming Business

4. You can start a pet grooming business at Rs 10K. You will require tools like grooming tables, clippers, scissors, brushes, combs, dryers, and shampoo to launch the business.

Handmade Toy Business

5. With Rs 10,000, starting a handmade toy business is a fantastic idea. All you need to buy are things like paper, scissors, cotton and wool fiber, fabric glue, needles and thread, beads, and buttons.

Fruit Juice Kiosk

6. A fruit juice kiosk business is a great concept to start at Rs 10,000. You only need to spend money on purchasing the kiosk's basic supplies and raw materials.

Tea Stall

7. A small tea stall could be started at Rs 10,000. Milk, sugar, tea leaves, utensils, a burner, and a desk are the essentials for a tea stall that might be purchased for Rs 10,000.

Pickle Making

8. Pickle making is another business that may be launched with just Rs 10,000. You can start this business with ingredients from your kitchen and invest in pickle jars and containers.

Masala Business

9. With Rs 10,000, starting a spice or masala business might be lucrative. You may start the business and provide customers with high-quality spices and masalas.

Online Tutoring Business

10. You can start an online tutoring business with Rs 10,000 and a simple setup for the same at home if you are an expert in art, knitting, dance, or singing.


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