5 Things Microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates Wishes He Knew In His Early 20s

Varun Yadav
May 15, 2023

Gates 5 Things For Youngsters

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates shared 5 things he wishes he knew during his graduation commencement speech at Northern Arizona University.

Earlier Speeches

It’s not the first time Gates give the commencement speeches as he earlier gave to Harvard in 2007 and to Standarford in 2014.

NAU Commencement Speech

He wrote down his 5 advices to NAU students during commencement speech at NAU in his latest blog.

First Advice

What you do tomorrow – or for the next ten years – doesn’t have to be what you do forever.

Second Advice

But the first step to learning something new is embracing what you don’t know, instead of focusing on what you do know. The key is to not be afraid to ask.

Third Advice

When you spend your days doing something that solves a big problem, it energizes you to do your best work.

Fourth Advice

Don’t underestimate the power of friendship.

Fifth Advice

Take time to nurture your relationships, to celebrate your successes, and to recover from your losses.


Take a break when you need to. Take it easy on the people around you when they need it, too.

Gates Congratulates Class

Bill Gates congratulated class of 2023 for making it possible during unprecedented times.


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