10 Interesting Facts To Know About Jagannath Rath Yatra

Every year new chariots are constructed and construction begins on Akshaya Tritiya. It takes two months. About 200 artisans work to construct the rathas.

The design and dimensions of the chariots remain constant. More than 100 carpenters work on over 1000 wooden logs. They construct the chariots.

The canopies for the chariots are made of 1200 meters of cloth. A team of 15 tailors makes the canopies.

Over 10 lakh devotees attend the Ratha Yatra at Puri. It is the largest annual religious festival in the world.

In Ratha the Deities are carried to Temple of Gundicha. She is the maternal aunt of Lord Jagannatha. They stay for 9 days. The return event is called ‘Bahuda Ratha Yatra.’

The ropes used for pulling the chariot are made of coconut fibre. The ropes are 8 inches thick in diameter.

During the stay at Gundicha temple, Lord Jagannatha is offered ‘poda pitha.’ This is a special pancake without it He doesn’t return to His temple.

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stayed at Puri for 18 years and participated in the annual Ratha Yatra with sankirtan and dancing. Lord Jagannatha’s Ratha would stop to witness Lord Chaitanya’s dancing.

Shastras say “rathe ca vamanam drstva punar janma na vidyate” – one who sees the Jagannatha Deities on the Ratha. There is no rebirth for him.

Rath Yatra in Puri spreads over 11 days. This period extends from the Rath Yatra day to Niladri Vijaya when deities are carried back into the temple


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