10 Mysterious Facts About Puri's Jagannath Temple

Direction of Flag

It is found that the flag hoisted at the top of the temple dome always flows in the opposite direction of the airflow.

An Older Tradition

Every day, a saint scrambles up the dome of the temple, which is approximately a 45-stories building and changes the banner regularly for 1800 years as a piece of a ritual.

The Colossal Chakra

The colossal chakra which is more than 20 feet in height at the top of the temple was installed ages ago.

Installation of the Chakra

The eight-spoke chakra was brought all way up and introduced on the gopuram 2000 years earlier.

The Sea

Whenever we visit the seaside, the first thing that our senses catch is the crashing of waves on the shore and the sea waves seem to go on mute as soon as one steps inside.

Nothing Flies Above The Temple

Puri’s Jagannath Temple, not even a single bird can be seen atop the temple dome.

An Engineering Marvel

In the case of Jagannath Temple, the architectural prowess of our ancestral engineers is worth saluting.

No Wastage of Prasadam

There's one saying about the prasadam served in the temple.

Magical Prasad Cooking

The prasadam is cooked in pots over firewood. Precisely 7 pots are put one over another.

The Idols Are Changed Every Year

The old idols of the deities are disintegrated every 14-18 years and replaced by new deities made up of neem wood.


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