Shaking legs is a bad sign, doing this can take away your wealth.
In the night, while the baby is sleeping it is assumed that they may get some bad dreams, it will keep them safe.
If you are going for any important work and if the black cat cuts your path, it seems to be a bad omen.
According to our ancestors, during this time women are not allowed to visit temples.
It is believed that ghosts and spirits stay there at night and it might scare you.
Indian people avoid doing this practice because of some reasons.
It is basically known as a lucky charm which brings peace, success and luck to the home.
The goodluck plant is for financial prosperity, purity and happiness.
We Indians follow this to protect themselves.
It is a ritual for every Indian household to praise god on every specific occasion.
We always fix dates to do something like this .
8 is a number of Shani and 3 considered to be unlucky.