Lunar Eclipse 2023

A lunar eclipse is a powerful and transformative celestial event that can affect individuals differently depending on their zodiac sign. Here are some tips for each zodiac sign on how to harness the energies of a lunar eclipse by Tarot card reader Kishori Sud.

Zee Media Bureau
Oct 28, 2023


You should use the lunar eclipse to release any pent-up anger or frustration. Let go of conflicts that no longer serve you. Focus on self-care and self-expression during this time.


The lunar eclipse is likely to bring your financial matters to the forefront. This is the perfect time to reassess your financial goals and make necessary adjustments. Work on improving your financial security.


You must reflect on your partnerships let go of toxic relationships and nurture the ones that are truly meaningful. Open and honest communication is key. Don’t endure negativity above this point.


Cancerians, must use this time to release any emotional baggage and focus on your own healing. Find closure and forgiveness to move forward with a lighter heart.


The eclipse encourages you to pay attention to your health and well-being. Prioritise self-care and make positive changes to your daily routines. It's also a good time to declutter and organise your workspace.


This is the time to take risks (not in relationships). Let go of self-doubt and embrace your artistic side. You might find new hobbies or interests that bring you joy.


This eclipse is the perfect time for making changes in your living space which includes solving the elephant in the house between family members. Seek balance between work and home life, and create a harmonious environment.


You must use this time to let go of grudges and have honest conversations. Express your thoughts and feelings, and consider learning new communication skills.


Sagittarius must reassess their financial goals and values. Focus on your long-term financial security and let go of unnecessary attachments to material possessions.


Release old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you. Shake things up and work on self-improvement. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth.


Aquarians need to reflect on their friendships and social circles. Let go of toxic relationships and invest in those that align with your values and goals.


The lunar eclipse is here to encourage you to focus on your career and public image, Pisces. Consider your professional goals and make necessary adjustments. Let go of self-doubt and work on self-promotion and recognition.


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