Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, known for her love for Indian textiles, has oozed elegance every time she has presented the Budget --starting from her maiden one in 2019
Check 5 times Nirmala Sitharaman showed her Indianness with sarees on Budget day
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman dressed in a handwoven Ilkal silk red saree with a black and golden temple border.
Sitharaman opted for a brown and red colour Bomkai saree which is typically made in Odisha.
The finance minister adorned a red and off-white Pochampalli ikat silk saree with a green border, traditionally woven in Telangana.
Sitharaman opted to dress in a vibrant yellow-gold silk saree with a blue border that she paired up with a matching blouse.
Nirmala Sitharaman adorned a Mangalagiri saree with a bright pink hue and gold border, accessorized with a blouse in the same shade.