Drama starring Diane Lane and Richard Gere, a modern adaptation of La Femme Infidèle, is a suspenseful and steamy tale that may cast a shadow on date night.
Gillian Flynn's 2014 thriller, challenges the idea of happy marriages, leaving viewers to question the depth of familiarity with the person beside them.
Beyoncé and Idris Elba navigate marital challenges in the 2009 thriller, leaving viewers uneasy about workplace dynamics and the possibility of a sinister twist.
In the 2015 thriller, secrets and mistrust threaten a couple's happiness when a mysterious childhood acquaintance resurfaces.
Revolutionary Road, shatters romantic expectations, portraying a once-happy couple's descent into anger and resentment.
Film explores discontent and infidelity as her character, Justine, a married store clerk, experiences a melancholic journey, presenting marriage as a depressing void.
Last Night delves into a married couple's loyalty amidst temptations, sparking discussions or suspicions when viewed with a partner.
The 1989 film, labeled a comedy, takes a dark turn with its portrayal of a troubled marriage, making it less than ideal for a cheerful date night.
The 2016 thriller starring Mira Sorvino explores the aftermath of a casual fling, raising moral questions that make it less suitable for shared viewing with a partner.
An anti-romantic comedy that challenges romantic beliefs, making it less suitable for a warm shared viewing with a partner.