Released in 2004, the movie is based on the British novel Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones.
Released in 2001, the movie is one of the top-grossing movies ever made in Japan.
Released in 1992, the movie is one of the best movies ever created by Hayao Miyazaki.
Released in 1988, is one of the director's most famous movies, also known as one of the best family anime movies.
Released in 1997, is one of the top-rated movies by international audiences.
Released in 1986, the movie was released right after Studio Ghibli was founded in 1985.
Released in 1989, it is the first full-length movie by an existing novel or manga.
The movie is credited as one of the movies that made Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki well-known to more people.
Released in 2013, the movie takes inspiration from the biography of aircraft engineer Jiro Horikoshi.
Released in 1979, is one of the movies from Studio Ghibli based on a popular franchise.