10 Things Not To Do In A Movie Theatre

Gunjan D. Bidani
Mar 14, 2024

Talking Loudly

Avoid having conversations or speaking loudly during the movie as it can disturb other viewers.

Using Your Phone

Bright screens and notifications can be distracting to others. Keep your phone on silent mode and refrain from using it during the movie.

Bringing Noisy Snacks

Opt for quiet snacks like popcorn or candy rather than loud, crunchy foods that can disrupt the movie experience for others.

Kicking or Shaking Seats

Be mindful of your movements and avoid kicking or shaking the seats, especially during intense scenes.


Whistling, humming, or making loud noises can be disruptive to those around you and detract from everyone's enjoyment of the film.


While it might be tempting to dance along to musical numbers or fidget during slow parts of the movie, try to remain still to avoid distracting others.

Strong Fragrances

Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes as they can bother other moviegoers, especially in enclosed spaces.

Bringing Pets

With the exception of service animals, pets should not be brought into movie theatres as they can be disruptive and create hygiene concerns.

Public Display of Affection

While it's natural to want to cuddle with your partner, excessive displays of affection can make others uncomfortable. Keep intimacy to a minimum.

Leaving Trash Behind

Dispose of your trash properly by using designated bins or taking it with you when you leave. Leaving trash behind can create a mess for theatre staff and inconvenience future moviegoers.


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