The newest addition to the "Dragon Ball" franchise, with a plot revolving around Goku and friends transformed into children.
An anime adaptation of the Shonen Jump series, featuring a mix of comedy, romance, and supernatural elements.
A spin-off movie from the popular Shonen series "Blue Lock", focusing on the character Seishirou Nagi.
Following the first season of the anime, this film introduces new characters and continues the story.
The return of the music-themed anime from Kyoto Animation, focusing on new adventures of Kumiko as a third-year student.
A relaxing anime about camping in beautiful spots across Japan, focusing on simple pleasures.
A unique story about a man who gains the ability to turn into a kaiju, fulfilling his dream of fighting against them.
The third film in the "Madoka Magica" series, continuing from the cliffhanger left by "Rebellion".
Decisive Battle at the Garbage Dump: A film adaptation of the popular volleyball manga "Haikyu!!", focusing on the final showdown between rival schools.
Covering the "Shimane Illuminata Saga", this season is highly anticipated, especially since it's been a while since the last season aired.
Set for release on Netflix, this anime is an adaptation of a fantasy-adventure-comedy manga, following a group of dungeon explorers who must resort to eating the creatures they defeat.
The Conflict: This upcoming season continues the "Thousand-Year Blood War" arc of the classic anime "Bleach", expected to be a major event for fans of the series.