This film revolves around the lives of troubled teenagers and the dedicated staff at a short-term residential facility. It explores the complex backgrounds and challenges faced by the characters.
"Joy" tells the true story of a woman about how she overcomes the challenges of a dysfunctional family where it feels like walking on a tightrope with people one would want comfort from.
Based on a memoir, this film portrays the upbringing of a young girl with a highly dysfunctional family, including her unconventional and often neglectful parents.
This movie delves into the lives of two characters with their share of personal and familial issues as they form a unique bond through their struggles with mental health.
Inspired by Shia LaBeouf's own experiences, "Honey Boy" explores the tumultuous relationship between a young actor and his volatile, alcoholic father, providing a glimpse into the impact of family dysfunction.
This film is centered around a family gathering after a crisis, exposing the deep-rooted dysfunction, secrets, and emotional turmoil within a complex family.