Arte is a historical drama that follows a young woman named Arte who wants to become an artist in 16th-century Florence.
This is a nostalgic and music-focused anime that follows the lives of two high school students, Sentaro and Kaoru as they navigate friendship, love, and music in 1960s Japan.
The music-driven anime set on Mars in the future follows the story of two young musicians who meet and form a powerful musical partnership.
This anime celebrates the job of artistic expression and the power of friendship. The series includes the lives of high school girls and how they manage their creative passions.
The anime delves into the world of manga creation and follows the story of two aspiring manga artists and how they work together to achieve their dreams.
The anime follows the emotional struggles of the characters, using writing and poetry as a means of self-discovery.
The heartwarming anime explores the joy of self-discovery and expression by following Shizuku and her findings as a writer who learns to balance her creative ambitions with the challenges of life.