The story revolves around Yumi Nakamura, a young psychology student whose friend Yoko gets a strange voice message on her cell phone that is connected to ominous voicemails received by the victims.
The film tells the story of a mother and daughter who move into an apartment building with a dark secret involving a haunted water tank.
The film centers around Masafumi Kobayashi, a paranormal researcher who has produced a series of books and documentaries on supernatural activity around Japan and the documentary titled The Curse, Kobayashi disappeared after his house burnt down.
The film is about a widower, Shigeharu Aoyama, who stages a phony audition to meet a potential new romantic partner. After interviewing several women, Aoyama becomes interested in Asami, whose dark past affects their relationship.
A Takashi Shimizu film that presents a haunting tale of a house cursed by a vengeful spirit that claims victims for the killing of the family and the curse lives on.
Known for its eerie and chilling atmosphere, directed by Hideo Nakata, the film follows a journalist investigating a cursed videotape that causes viewers to die seven days after watching it.
Based on the novel of the same name by Kanae Minato. The plot centers on Yuko, a junior high school teacher who's trying to solve the death of her daughter under mysterious circumstances.