All Image credit: IMDb
The story revolves around Uma, a bride who wakes up after 4 years of coma and is dedicated to taking revenge from everyone responsible for her loss.
One of the best martial art movies with the story surrounding a mythical sword that is possessing fighting abilities that can go beyond reality.
The story has a more complicated plot featuring criminal gangs struggling for power, revenge, betrayal.
It is a survival thriller story surrounding a group of police officials who went inside a building for a raid but had to fight their way out of it.
It was Bruce Lee’s last film as the martial arts star tragically died in 1973.
It is the story of a young man who trains himself in a popular Shaolin temple to take revenge from the government officials who did wrong to him.
The story revolves around a police officer who is blamed for a violent crime, goes on a run while trying to prove his innocence.