(All photo credit: X)
A comedy-drama film directed by Woody Allen follows a rich Manhattan socialite who falls on hard times and has to move into her working-class sister's apartment in San Francisco and tries to get back on her feet.
A historical drama romance film directed by Todd Haynes, set in the 1950s follows a forbidden affair between an aspiring female photographer and an older woman going through a difficult divorce.
James Vanderbilt’s film centers on Mary Mapes and Dan Rather who are newscasters. The two produce a controversial report regarding President George W Bush which ends up putting their career and future on the line.
A psychological drama film directed by Todd Field follows a renowned musician Lydia Tár who was days away from recording her symphony that will elevate her career. However, she was accused of misconduct.
Directed by Sam Raimi, it follows Annabelle, a woman with psychic abilities who tries to find a young socialite who disappeared mysteriously. While searching she starts to suspect if the town people are involved.
The story is about a politician named Sir Robert Chiltern, who is also known to be a perfect husband. Unfortunately, to everyone's surprise, he is framed for corruption, but he continues to love his wife.
A biographical historical drama film directed by Shekhar Kapur follows the early years of Elizabeth's reign, where she is elevated to the throne after the death of her half-sister Mary I, who had imprisoned her.