All Image Credit: IMDb
Shinsuke Sato’s directed series revolves around Arisu, an obsessed gamer who finds himself in the isolated version of Tokyo where he is tasked to survive along with his friends in the deadly game.
The gripping tale of terror surrounds a troubled teenager who along with his neighbour battles against the evil to stick on to their humanity when humans start turning into savage monsters.
The story focuses on an excellent brain scientist named Sewon who suffered a terrifying tragedy in personal life and is reluctant to know what happened to his family, he directs brain surgery.
The story follows a mysterious executor from another world who builds a new organisation called ‘The New Truth’ with the criticizing individuals who work for making people right in their own way.
The story revolves around a group of students who are trapped in their school and are now tasked to escape as it becomes the hotspot for a zombie virus outbreak.
The 2021 released drama highlights the story of a small town student where every graduating senior participates in the series of challenges organized during summers with the motive to escape their reality and make life better.
The series revolves around one hundred contestants in best physical shape who are tasked to compete against each other in a challenging game to win the title and cash reward.