(All photo credit: X)
Set in the neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, follows a group of kids who live in the "Goon Docks", who attempt to save their home from foreclosure, and discover an old treasure map that led to a lost fortune.
Steven Spielberg's film follows Indiana Jones who searches for his father, a Holy Grail scholar, who has been kidnapped and held hostage by the Nazis while on a journey to find the Holy Grail.
To find the lost fortune of Ferdinand Magellan, Victor Sullivan recruits Nathan Drake to help him. Unfortunately, they face competition from Santiago, who believes that the treasure belongs to him.
Directed by Jackie Chan follows treasure hunter Asian Hawk meets up with his friend Alan and finds out that the latter's lover has been abducted by a cult. In return, the cult wants a sword which Hawk recently stole.
To find a mysterious tree in the Amazon, researcher Dr. Lily Houghton, her brother, and captain Frank work together. However, wicked forces that desire immortality are after them.
An action-adventure film directed by Breck Eisner follows a treasure hunter who partners with a WHO doctor to find a lost American Civil War Ironclad warship in the Sahara Desert.
An action-adventure heist film follows a historian, a computer expert, and an archivist searching for a lost Freemason treasure, which includes a map hidden on the back of the Declaration of Independence.