7 Chiranjeevi According To Hindu Mythology

Medha Jha
Aug 22, 2024

1. Lord Hanuman

The devoted follower of Lord Ram, Hanuman was granted immortality and is believed to live in the Gandhamadan mountains, meditating on Ram's name and helping his devotees. He is also thought to roam the Himalayas and Kishkindha.

2. Ashwathama

Cursed by Lord Krishna to wander the Earth in pain and suffering until the end of Kalyug for his role in the Mahabharata, Ashwathama is said to be found in desolate places, particularly near the Narmada river.

3. King Mahabali

The benevolent ruler who was sent to Patala (the netherworld) by Vamana, an avatar of Vishnu, but is allowed to visit his people once a year during the festival of Onam.

4. Veda Vyasa

The sage who authored the Mahabharata and compiled the Vedas is believed to reside in seclusion in the Himalayas, particularly in the Badra region beyond Badrinath, appearing where the Mahabharata is recited.

5. Vibhishana

The righteous brother of Ravana who sided with Lord Ram and was granted immortality. He is believed to still rule Lanka, maintaining justice and dharma.

6. Kripacharya:

A respected teacher and warrior from the Mahabharata, known for his adherence to the Vedic teachings and war ethics. He was blessed with immortality and is said to live in desolation, hidden from human sight.

7. Parashuram

The warrior-sage who rid the world of corrupt Kshatriyas and then retired to a life of penance. He is believed to dwell in the Mahendragiri mountains, moving between remote hermitages.


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