Astro Boy is considered a trademark series of Osamu Tezuka, who created the definite anime and manga style.
It is one of the first magical girl anime that follows Sally, a magical princess from the Kingdom of Astoria.
Set in a dystopian world, the series follows Kenshiro, a Hokuto Shinken master, who is looking for his kidnapped fiancee.
It follows Goku and his journey to find the seven powerful dragon balls that can summon the wish-granting dragon Shenron.
It follows a group of Sailor guardians, who are tasked with finding the Moon Princess, and the powerful Silver Crystal.
It follows a young boy named Ask Ketchum who travels the world, hoping to become a Pokemon master.
The story revolves around Monkey D. Luffy who wishes to become a pirate like his hero ‘Red-Haired’ Shanks.