Released in 2009, this lighthearted comedy follows lovable Prem helping his crush Jenny marry someone else, despite his love for her. A sweet, innocent romance with beautiful songs and hilarious moments.
Released in 2007, it is a heartwarming story of a reserved man Aditya and a spirited bubbly woman Geet discovering love. Packed with humor and feel-good vibes, it's perfect for a memorable movie night.
Released in 2008, it is a refreshing story of Jai and Aditi’s friendship turning into love. It is filled with witty humor, and youthful energy, ideal for reliving the magic of young romance
Released in 2001, it is a story of friendship between Akash, Sameer and Sid. It has stunning visuals and relatable emotions. A perfect blend of love and dosti for a memorable evening.
Released in 2009, it is a tale of self-discovery and love, as carefree Siddharth learns life’s lessons with a grounded writer Aisha. Encouraging and relatable, perfect for a cozy watch.
Released in 2006, It is a comedy full of hilarious twists, misunderstandings, and a sweet romance. With plenty of laughs and a heartwarming story, it’s perfect for a fun movie night.
Released in 2004, It is a story of two opposites Karan and Rhea as they cross paths over the years, exploring love, friendship, and fate. Witty, heartwarming, and emotional, it’s a perfect classic.