A live-action adaptation of the famous anime, a space epic is set in a future where humanity is on the brink of extinction due to an alien invasion. The crew of the Yamato embarks on a dangerous mission to save Earth.
The film follows Shōtarō Kaneda, the leader of a biker gang whose childhood friend, Tetsuo Shima, acquires incredible telekinetic abilities after a motorcycle accident, eventually threatening an entire military complex.
Set in postwar Japan, the latest entry in the Godzilla franchise depicts a country struggling to rebuild, only to face a new threat when Godzilla emerges.
A live-action adaptation of the popular anime, the film follows high schooler Ichigo Kurosaki, who gains the power of a Soul Reaper. He is tasked with protecting humanity from evil spirits, blending action, supernatural elements, and sci-fi.
Based on Robert A. Heinlein's novel of the same name, a science fiction romance about a scientist who is cryogenically frozen in the 1990s and awakens 30 years later. He uncovers a conspiracy and races to change the future using a time machine.
A lesser-known sci-fi gem involves a young woman who repeatedly experiences the same day over and over after a failed time-leap experiment and time travel paradoxes.
A charming sci-fi anime where a high school girl gains the ability to leap back in time. While initially using this power for fun, she soon realizes the serious consequences of her actions.