An extraordinarily poignant conclusion marks the culmination of Steven Spielberg's intense and terrifying thriller, which depict the actual survivors and their ancestors laying stones on Schindler's tomb.
The film’s ending, where Bryan Mills rescues his daughter and delivers his iconic line to the kidnapper, offers a gratifying sense of justice and closure.
Truman's search for the truth comes to a very fulfilling and uplifting end with his daring escape from the artificial world and his foray into the unknown.
In the end, John Wick reclaims his life and begins to rebuild after avenging his dog, is a satisfying conclusion to his journey of revenge and redemption.
With the destruction of the One Ring, Aragorn's coronation, and Frodo's peaceful departure, the epic trilogy ending neatly ties up all loose ends and provides a profoundly gratifying resolution.
The movie's conclusion, in which Forrest is happy with his life and raising his son, puts an end to his amazing adventure and highlights the beauty of life's small joys.
The film's denouement, in which Andy Dufresne and Red ultimately meet on a beach in Zihuatanejo, is a triumphant and emotional conclusion to a story of hope and endurance.