A horror comedy film that showcases the story of a group of friends who get stuck in a village, where they encounter a witch named Kakuda.
Revolves around the life of a journalist and reformer Karsandas Muljii, who exposes the exploitation of Jadunathji Brijratanji Maharaj worshiped by the spiritual people of Gujrat.
A Sci-Fi movie on a futuristic world explores the battle of humanity's survival against the evil time when the tenth avatar of Lord Vishnu, Kalki, emerges to save the world.
A young man visits his village, where he discovers a family secret about a spirit, Munjya, who wants to marry. So, he has to save himself and his love, which leads to Sparks' adventure.
This series revolves around the journey of young learning cadets at an officers' training academy, exploring the themes of brotherhood and love towards the nation.
A series where Uorfi Javed shares her personal life and opens up about her life experiences and stories.
An Ott release in which a woman's life takes an unexpected turn after her husband goes missing. Searching for him leads to uncovering lies and secrets, which results in a thrilling climax.