Directed by Shoaib Manzoor, ‘Bol’ challenges societal notions regarding gender issues, rights, family dynamics and power of dissent.
Released in 2022, Joyland became the talk of the town because of its unconventional storyline where a married man falls for a transgender dancer.
Directed by Afia Nathaniel, it follows a mother and child trying to escape the horrors of child marriage in rural Pakistan.
A lighthearted comedy, Jawani Phir Nahi Aani follows a group of friends and their antics when a friend shows up from abroad.
Directed by Asim Abbasi, Cake is a contemporary take on Pakistani youth and their relationship with aging parents.
Another lighthearted movie, Ho Mann Jahaan explores love, friendships and pursuit of artistic aspirations.
It follows the local legend of Maula Jatt and his battle with Noori Natt, the leader of a ruthless clan.