All Image Credit: IMDb
The action-packed story follows Captain Cage who is trapped in a time loop and heads out on a mission with another warrior to protect the human race when aliens launch an attack on Earth.
The gripping tale revolves around a skilled Comanche warrior who sets out on the mission to protect her family and people from an alien predator who hunts humans.
Denis Villeneuve’s directed film highlights the story of Louise Banks, a linguistics expert who is tasked to decode the language of an alien who mysteriously visited Earth in its spacecraft.
The story focuses on Clark who learns about his powers and real home while entering a Kryptopnian ship in the Artic and is followed by an old enemy to find codex and destroy Earth.
The adventurous story follows a research team who while investigating encounter an alien being who starts hunting them down and possesses the power of changing and taking the shape of their victims.
The 1987 released film centers on Ellen Ripley who is sent out on the mission to LV-426 planet to establish contacts with the unknown colony but encounters an alien queen and has to fight a battle to survive.
The chilling story surrounds a woman and other saviors under the deadliest situation after the city of New York is attacked by aliens and soon discovers that these creatures are drawn to slightest noise.
The thrilling story follows Eddie Brock and Venom who are tasked to make a revolutionary decision as they are chased by a mysterious military man and an alien beast from Venom’s home world.