All Image Credit: IMDb
The action thriller story follows Maximus, one of the preferred generals of his father, takes up the charge to fight till death like a gladiator after Commodus take over the powers.
The thrilling story revolves around Paul Atreides who teams up with Chani and the Fremen to take revenge from the ones responsible for
The adventurous story focuses on Joseph Cooper, a farmer and ex-NASA pilot who set out on the mission to find a new planet for humans when Earth becomes inhabitable for living.
The story follows Frodo and Sam who reached Mordor with the help of Gollum and sets out on the mission to defend Isengard as Saruman initiates an attack from his territory.
The gripping tale centers on Cobb who has the power of stealing information from his target's dream but is convicted for his wife's murder and has to perform an impossible task to proof his innocence.
The 2004 released story surrounds Frodo and Sam who reached Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, following Gollum, unaware of the path he is leading on.
The thrilling tale revolves around Lucius following the death of Maximus by his uncle, is reluctant to enter the war taking inspiration the past after a powerful emperor from the Rome conquers his home.
The story follows the Terminator, a cyborg killer who is sent back in time with the mission to kill Sarah Connor, a woman destined to give birth to the savior of the world.