8 Most Popular Crime Mystery Series of all times

All Image Credit: IMDb

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 19, 2024

The Bridge

A brilliant crime mystery show based on an investigation of a dead body found on the bridge. It has 38 episodes in total and is surely a great watch.

The Killing

A 40 episode series lining an investigation of difficult cases by a Police detective named Sarah Lund will make viewers stuck on the TV screen.

Twin Peaks

A murder investigation of a young woman in a strange town of Twin Peaks by a FBI agent with strange behavior. It has a total of 30 episodes and is one of the best mystery watches.

The Missing

A vacation of a family turns into a haunted dream when their 5 year old son goes missing. This series will drive you through a thrilling mystery with 16 episodes.


A crime drama that revolves murder in and around frozen Minnesota. The series has 51 episodes that will drive you to all craziness.


A horrifying story of murder of a young boy in a small town which grabs the attention of the media. The series has 24 episodes and is a good watch.

Top of the Lake

A girl tries to solve a missing mystery case, unsolved from 12 long years of a pregnant girl near a freezing lake in New Zealand. The popping mysteries of the town will drive you crazy.


The series is filled with numerous twists and turns with mystery, crime drama and is based on Canon Doyle’s detective stories. It has 15 episodes and is loved by a massive audience.


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