This coming-of-age film follows the lives of three friends as they navigate love, career, and life's challenges.
Three friends embark on a road trip to Spain to rediscover themselves and their friendship.
This satirical comedy film takes a hilarious and thought-provoking look at the Indian education system.
This iconic college romance film tells the story of a love triangle and the lifelong friendship between the characters.
This coming-of-age film follows the lives of five friends as they navigate college life, love, and career ambitions.
This comedy film tells the story of four friends who get caught up in a series of misadventures.
This action-comedy film tells the story of two rival gangs and the romance that blossoms between their leaders.
This coming-of-age drama film tells the story of three friends who dream of opening a sports academy.
This comedy film takes a humorous look at the relationships between men and women. The movie is funny, relatable, and full of quotable dialogues, making it a perfect watch for any group of friends who want to have a laugh at the expense of love.