(All photo credit: X)
An animated Christmas comedy film follows The Grinch who becomes increasingly irritated with the Whoville village's constant cheerful spirit. He joins forces with his dog to be a spoilsport and destroy the joyous occasion.
A Christmas adventure comedy film directed by Sergio Pablos, the story follows a postman stationed in an island town to the Far North who befriends a reclusive toymaker (Klaus).
Robert Zemeckis' film follows a young boy who takes a train and sets out on a remarkable adventure to meet Santa Claus at the North Pole. He meets unique people who change his life.
An animated Christmas comedy film follows Arthur, Santa's giddy son, who decides to deliver the gift before it's too late after discovering that a young girl's Christmas present has gone missing due to a technological issue.
Directed by Melendez, when Christmas is approaching, Charlie Brown is unhappy since everyone thinks the holiday is about getting gifts. His friends agree to assist him as he attempts to comprehend the festival's significance.
A creature from Halloween Town named Jack Skellington discovers Christmas Town and is immediately intrigued. When his obsession with Christmas drives him to kidnap Santa Claus, the scenario gets captivating.
An animated family film directed by Damien O'Connor follows Angela who wishes to reunite her family for Christmas, particularly her father, who is working in Australia.