Rastsasan is a Tamil crime-thriller movie from 2018 directed by Ram Kumar. The film revolves around a psychological thriller about a cop who is trying to track down a serial killer. The film features Vishnu Vishal, Amala Paul, and more.
Drishyam is a Malayalam crime-thriller movie of 2013 release directed by Jeetu Joseph. It is a thriller focused on a family who are caught up in lies and cheating featuring Mohanlal, Esther Anil, and more
U-Turn is a Kannada crime movie that revolves around a journalist's investigation of a mysterious death linked to the two-road junction. It is directed by Pawan Kumar featuring Shraddha Srinath, Dileep Raj, and more.
Memories is a Malayalam thriller movie about a mystery that focuses on a police officer's investigation of a series of murders. Directed by Jeethi Joseph, featuring Prithviraj Sukumaran and more.
Kaithi is a Tamil action thriller movie focused on Dilli who is so excited after meeting his daughter for the first time post-prison. The 2019 movie is directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj.
Game is a Kannada thriller movie directed by A.M.R. Ramesh. The film revolves around a murder mystery about the backdrop of the film industry.
2024 Siren is a Tamil thriller movie directed by Antony Bhagyaraj. It focuses on an ambulance driver and how he turned into a criminal and eagerly waits for his release from prison.
Thunivu is a 2023 released Tamil thriller film directed by H.Vinoth. It focuses on a group of gangsters whose aim is to steal money from a bank but they found a mysterious man who has hijacked the bank already.