10 Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolates

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Lowers Risks of Heart Diseases

According to studies, flavonoids in dark chocolate help maintain heart health. Research has shown that people who eat dark chocolate in moderate amounts have a lower risk of heart disease.

Fulfils Nutrition Needs

Loaded with fibre, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, and a few other minerals, dark chocolates can satisfy your nutrition needs. However, it's essential to invest in good quality chocolates.

Can Control High Blood Pressure

According to researchers, by improving blood flow in the arteries, dark chocolate can help in lowering blood pressure levels. Even if it's marginal, the long-term impact can be significant

Improves Cholesterol Levels

According to some studies, having dark chocolates is good for your cholesterol profile as it increases the "good" HDL cholesterol levels while reducing the "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.

Helps In Blood Sugar Control

Reports point out that polyphenols in dark chocolates help enhance insulin sensitivity and work towards minimising factors that lead to insulin resistance.

Improves Cognitive Function

Here's one more reason to have dark chocolates! Studies say that its flavonoids can boost blood flow to the brain, thus improving cognitive function and boosting memory.

Lowers Stress Levels

By lowering levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, dark chocolates can reduce anxiety and make you feel more relaxed.

Good For Skin Health

Antioxidants in dark chocolate may protect the skin from UV damage. It also improves the level of hydration and betters skin density.

Boosts Mood

This is obvious, isn't it? Dark chocolates can instantly uplift your mood. But there's a scientific reason behind it. By stimulating neural activity in brain areas associated with pleasure and reward, these chocolates boost mood.

Helps In Managing Period Pain

Women have another added reason for consuming dark chocolates. Rich in magnesium, which can relax muscles and ease aches, having a moderate amount of dark chocolate can reduce period pain.

Consult Your Doctor

While these are generic benefits of dark chocolates, they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of medical professionals. To manage any health issue, consult your doctor.


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