Due to its low calorie content and high water content, bottle gourd can be an excellent choice for those looking to lose weight.
Lauki vegetable is considered a good option for weight management owing its low calorie content.
Bottle gourd or lauki is a great food option for keto diet.
This vegetable has incredibly low salt levels, making it a great choice for people with high blood pressure.
In addition, Bottle Gourd also helps in the treatment of acidity as it is alkaline in nature.
Doodhi's high antioxidant vitamin C content reduces wrinkles and promotes beautiful, smooth skin.
Due to its high content of dietary fibre, both soluble and insoluble, it aids in reducing piles and even constipation.
This is due to the fact that it includes antioxidants like vitamin C, which may be useful in controlling blood sugar levels.
You will sleep better if you mix some sesame oil with the lauki juice.
Everyday consumption of lauki juice can help you maintain the colour and texture of your hair.