10 Daily Yoga Asanas For Kids

Bridge Pose- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Stretches and opens the shoulders, thighs, hips, and chest portion.

Tree Pose- Vrksasana

Improves balance and concentration; strengthens the thigh muscles, calves, and ankles while stretching the legs and the chest.

Cobra Pose- Bhujangasana

Strengthens the spine; stretches the chest, shoulders, abdomen, and buttocks, might be good for managing breathing problems like asthma.

Cat Pose- Marjaryasana

Relaxes and stretches the spine, neck, torso, and the organs of the abdomen.

Bow Pose- Dhanurasana

Stretches and strengthens the back, shoulders, chest, and legs; brings flexibility to hip flexor function, and regulates the digestive system.

Frog Pose- Mandukasana

Stretches the hips, thighs, and spine.

Easy Pose- Sukhasana

Good for the back, thighs, and hips; gives a stretch to the knees and feet; and helps in negating anxiety and stress.

Butterfly Pose- Baddha Konasana

Stretches the thighs, knees, and hips; regulates the intestine and bowel movement; for girls, helps in easy and painless menstruation.

Corpse Pose- Savasana

Keeps the heart rate and blood pressure low; less tension of muscles; low metabolic rate; helps reduce insomnia, anxiety, and fatigue.

Chair pose- Utkatasana

Works on the thigh muscles and ankles; tones the shoulders, hips, and the spine.


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