10 Drinks To Help You Digest Better

Zee Media Bureau
Jan 05, 2024

Prune Juice

It is an excellent source of sorbitol, an organic sugar alcohol that pushes water into the large intestine.


It's a probiotic-packed beverage. Probiotics are living, beneficial bacteria that aid digestion.

Chia Seed Tonic

It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, which aids in keeping your digestive tract running smoothly.

Fennel Tea

It is high in fiber and may help treat constipation and other digestive issues that create gas, as well as keep things moving in the digestive tract appropriately.

Peppermint Tea

It includes natural compounds that may benefit the digestive tract by minimizing spasms in the gut, allowing food to be digested more quickly after consumption.


Kefir, like kombucha, contains probiotics and is useful for digestion on its own.

Lemongrass Tea

In addition to being delicious, it includes a chemical called citral, which has anti-inflammatory properties. It's also caffeine-free, making it an excellent after-dinner drink or bedtime tea.


It not only provides you with much-needed energy but also stimulates your digestive tract. It serves as a laxative, causing your intestines to move quickly.

Ginger Tea

Warm ginger tea, consumed just before or after a large meal, may promote digestive health and avoid heartburn, stomach ache, and indigestion.


The second most common cause of constipation is a lack of water or other liquids. So, drink at least 2 liters of water per day to stay hydrated.


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