10 Easy Yoga Asanas For Healthy Eyesight

Oct 23, 2023

Healthy Eye

Yoga can be beneficial for maintaining healthy eyesight by reducing eye strain and improving circulation to the eyes. Here are ten easy yoga asanas (postures) that can help promote good eye health:

1. Palming

Palming involves warming your palms and gently covering your closed eyes to relax and soothe them.

2. Blinking

Blinking exercises help refresh and moisturize your eyes by rapidly blinking for short intervals.

3. Eye Circles

Eye circles are a simple exercise where you rotate your eyes in clockwise and counterclockwise directions to improve eye flexibility.

4. Focus Shifting

Focus shifting involves switching your gaze between a nearby object and a distant one to enhance eye focus.

5. Tratak

Candle Gazing: Tratak involves gazing at a candle flame without blinking to enhance concentration and eye strength.

6. Upward Gaze

Urdhva Mukha Drishti: The upward gaze is a yoga pose where you look towards the ceiling while lying on your back to stretch the eye muscles.

7. Eye Palming with Nose Tip Gazing

This practice combines eye palming with focusing on the tip of your nose to relieve eye strain and improve focus.

8. Simha Garjanasana

Lion Pose: Simha Garjanasana, or Lion Pose, helps release facial tension and eye strain by roaring with an open mouth.

9. Surya Namaskar

Sun Salutation: Surya Namaskar is a series of yoga poses that promote overall health, including benefits for your eyes through improved circulation and flexibility.

10. Shavasana

Corpse Pose: Shavasana, also known as Corpse Pose, is a relaxation posture that helps reduce stress and relieve eye strain by lying down with your eyes closed.


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