10 Foods That Help with Thyroid Control


It is incredibly healthy and helps to meet the body's iodine requirements for the thyroid gland to function properly.


Apples, pears, plums, and citrus are high in pectin, which aid in the detoxification of mercury, one of the most dangerous metals linked to thyroid disorders.

Nuts And Seeds

Zinc deficiency has been linked to thyroid issues and it is abundant in pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and nuts.

Legumes And Beans

These aid in the regulation of the digestive system, particularly the bowel movement, and the prevention of constipation. Chickpeas are one of the best options for thyroid issues.

Green Tea

Green tea contains catechins, a type of antioxidant that causes fat cells to release fat and aids the liver in fat burning.


It is high in antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber, and critical nutrients, is a requirement for people who have a thyroid that is not functioning correctly.

Whole Grains

To increase your metabolism while helping your thyroid gland, eat oats, brown rice, sprouts, sprouted grain bread, and quinoa.


It contains calcium and vitamin C. It increases metabolism and is high in fiber. Thyroid sufferers benefit from anything that boosts metabolism.


It is another wonderful source of iodine because it is abundant in soils and seas.


They have very high antioxidant levels, which are useful to your thyroid as they can help with thyroid dysfunction management.


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