10 Foods To Eat During Tonsillitis

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 08, 2023

Warm Soup

Soothing and easy to swallow, it provides nourishment and hydration while reducing throat irritation and discomfort.


Blend fruits, yogurt, and honey for a cold and refreshing treat packed with immune-boosting vitamins.

Soft Scrambled Eggs

Gentle on the throat, they provide protein for strength and aid in tissue repair.

Mashed Potatoes

Smooth and easy to eat, they offer carbohydrates for energy and a comforting texture.


Smooth and cool, it provides vitamins and fiber while being gentle on the inflamed throat.

Ginger Tea

To aid in healing, it soothes the throat, lowers inflammation, and contains antimicrobial qualities.


Helps coat and soothe the throat, has antibacterial properties, and may assist in reducing coughing.


It is easy to swallow and nutrient-rich, providing long-lasting energy for recovery.


Offers probiotics for immune support and has a cooling effect on the throat.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate is a superfood that is known for having high amounts of vitamin C.


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