10 Fruits To Lower Bad Cholesterol

Aug 08, 2023


Rich in soluble fiber which keeps the heart healthy, apples are excellent in lowering bad cholesterol or LDL levels in the blood. Apples also contain polyphenols, which can reduce cholesterol levels.


Blackberry prevents LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidized - a major risk factor for heart disease. A study also showed that a specific extract found in blackberry juice offers protective effects against heart disease.


Low in calories and fat, strawberries are a storehouse of fiber and phytosterols - healthy ingredients known to have beneficial effects on LDL cholesterol.


Fiber and potassium-rich bananas can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and also reduce blood pressure. It's good for immunune system too.


Oleic acid in avocados helps lower bad cholesterol in the blood. Include avocados in your diet, be it in salads, sandwiches, or smoothies.


Bromelain in pineapple is known to break down cholesterol deposits in arteries, thus ensuring healthy blood flow and making hearts stronger.


According to reports, grapes help to carry all the bad cholesterol into the liver where it gets processed.


Citrus fruits like oranges can be extremely effective is reducing cholesterol levels and protecting the heart.


This is another citrus fruit that is good for lowering cholesterol levels. They have a naturally high vitamin C level and is beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol levels.


Plums, studies have shown, have a positive impact on high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby being good for heart.


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