10 Health Benefits of Plum

Zee Media Bureau
Jul 12, 2023

Rich In Nutrients

Plums are a good source of minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins

Rich In Antioxidants

Plums are a rich source of antioxidants, which work to stop oxygen from interacting with other molecules and harming cells and tissues

Improves Heart Health

Due to how they function in decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, plums may support heart health

Anti Inflammatory Properties

The anti-inflammatory effects of plums suggest that they may help prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

Reduce Anxiety

A plum a day could help to reduce anxiety. Anxiety might increase when your antioxidant levels are low

Reduce Blood Sugar

A polyphenol called chlorogenic acid, which balances blood sugar and controls appetite, is particularly rich in plums

Enhances Cognitive Function

According to studies, plum's strong polyphenol content might help slow down the cognitive decline that comes with aging

Prevents Cancer

The reddish-blue pigment anthocyanins found in plums can aid in the removal of damaging free radicals. This helps shield your body from cancer

Good For Bones

Plums have various attributes that may improve bone health by halting or reversing bone loss, which may lower the risk of illnesses like osteoporosis

Good For Digestion

Plums can maintain your system functioning properly. They contain a lot of sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that has laxative properties naturally


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