10 Indian Foods To Reduce Blood Pressure Levels

Zee Media Bureau
Aug 14, 2023


Bajra benefits your cardiovascular system by decreasing blood pressure because it is high in magnesium.


Barley water can effectively slow the onset of atherosclerosis because it lowers and regulates blood pressure.

Whole Wheat

Whole grains may actually work wonders when included in a high blood pressure diet.


Ragi has a natural relaxing ability as it reduces anxiety, regulates blood pressure.


Oats are high in fibre which is beneficial for high blood pressure.

Bitter Gourd

The potassium absorbs extra sodium in your body. The result is reduced blood pressure.


It contains vitamin C, which helps dilate blood arteries and lower blood cholesterol levels.


A good source of magnesium, potassium, and dietary fibre is cucumbers. These substances have a history of lowering blood pressure.

Brown Rice

In part because it is a far better provider of nutrients like potassium and magnesium, brown rice is superior to white rice.


Good source of magnesium and monounsaturated fats, beneficial for blood pressure.


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