Helps in curing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cough, headache, asthma, sinusitis, cramps, gastric disorders, etc
Cures health problems related to the stomach like indigestion, helps reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Helps in curing irritable bowel and bad breath, maintaining appropriate digestion and subsides the common cold
Helps in reducing cholesterol levels, treating Alzheimer’s disease and maintains well-functioning of liver
Helps in curing sore throat, abdominal pain, headaches and fever. It can also be consumed as lemongrass tea for weight loss.
Provide great nourishment to skin and hair. Also helps to deal with burns, irritations, insect bites, sunburns, cuts, and injuries
Provides stronger immunity and great digestive system, cures inflammatory diseases, cleans the skin and lowers diabetes,
Helps in treating bug bites and burns, cures sleeping disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, etc.
Helps decrease the risk of low blood pressure, severe asthma attacks, cure digestion problems and enhances body metabolism
Helps weight loss, curing constipation, good for diabetes patients, heals wounds and cuts, provides good eyesight and relieves nausea.