Sarvangasana stimulates blood flow to the upper body glands and regulates metabolism. In this asana, you tuck the chin into the chest which benefits thyroid function in the body.
Ujjayi Pranayama helps people suffering from hypothyroidism. This pranayama increases the activity of the thyroid gland.
Halasana is a strengthening, stretching, and relaxing yoga pose where the neck is extended stimulating the pituitary and thyroid glands.
Matsyasana increases blood flow to the thyroid glands and is effective for counteracting hypothyroidism. The neck and throat are stretched during the asana which stimulates the thyroid glands.
Anulom Vilom has a positive impact on thyroid function due to its potential to regulate the endocrine system. It encourages balanced energy flow in the throat region where the thyroid gland is located.
In Marjaryasana you bring your chin to the chest and expose the throat chakra. This stimulates thyroid function in the body.
Janu Shirasana stretches the spine to its maximum potential. This asana is extremely beneficial to the health of the thyroid gland.
Bhujangasana, a back-bending asana, stretches the neck and throat region. It increases the blood flow to the thyroid, which increases thyroid function.
Ustrasana keeps your thyroid glands active and healthy. The asana stimulates thyroid function and improves blood flow to the thyroid gland.
This asana promotes blood circulation to the thyroid organs and regulates their balanced activity.