During the practice of Bhramari Pranayama, the nasal sound produces a humming sound which is extremely good for your heart as it helps strengthen the heart.
Bhastrika Pranayama improves heart functions. It reduces blood pressure and improves heart health and blood circulation.
Kapalbhati Pranayama has a stimulating, cleansing and heating effect on the body. It increases the heart beats and helps improve blood circulation and oxygen levels.
In this Pranayama, the breath is taken from the right nostril, the breath is stopped and the left nostril is released. It is amazing for your heart function.
Here you inhale slowly from both nostrils, stop the breath and exhale from the right nostril, and exhale slowly from the left nostril. You can practice this pranayama to help your heart function well.
Sheetkari Pranayama soothes our heart and nervous system. You can practice this asana to give a soothing effect to your heart.
This simple yet precise pranayama is extremely good for your heart. Here you inhale deeply into the three parts of the body – the belly, lower chest, and then finally the upper chest.
The Nadi Shodhana Pranayama where you breathe through the left nasal cavity, hold the breath, and then slowly exhale through the right nostril and vice versa is an amazing pranayama for your cardiovascular health.
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama involves alternative nostril breathing along with the retention of breath which improves the health of the cardiovascular system.
This pranayama relieves tension in the chest. It alleviates stress, and toxins, and stimulates your upper chest.