10 Pranayamas And Yoga Asanas For Easy Bowel Movement

1. Malasana

Malasana or Waste Evacuation Pose is a squatting yoga posture that helps stretch the stomach and the lower portion of the body. It helps in the elimination of waste products from the body.

2. Pavanamuktasana

Pavanamuktasana or Wind-Relieving Pose helps in passing gas from the digestive system and provides relief for those suffering from chronic constipation and poor liver health function.

3. Bhastrika Pranayama

Regular practice of Bhastrika Pranayama can cure constipation permanently. This pranayama increases the prana flow and the heat and metabolic rate of the digestion system.

4. Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati is regarded as a body-cleansing therapy that allows the body to expel toxins. It effectively reduces constipation, bloating, indigestion, and other gastrointestinal issues.

5. Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Anulom Vilom or Controlled Breathing helps in better blood and oxygen flow in the body, which can help relieve constipation. It helps to improve the overall functioning of your digestive system.

6. Vajrasana

Vajrasana or diamond pose is a seated pose where you fold both legs and keep your hips on the heels. It helps improve blood circulation in the abdominal area and helps cure chronic constipation.

7. Mayurasana

Mayurasana or Peacock Pose is an arm-balancing asana that improves digestion, increases intra-abdominal pressure, and gives great relief from constipation.

8. Halasana

Also known as the plough pose, this yoga pose assists in stimulating and improving digestion, as well as curing digestive problems.

9. Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana or Forward Bending Pose involves bending forward in which the pressure within the abdominal cavity thoroughly rubs the abdominal viscera. This eases symptoms associated with constipation.

10. Ardha Matsyendra Asana

Ardha Matsyendra Asana or Half Fish Pose massages the abdominal organs and regulates digestive juices secretion. It improves bowel movement, eases abdominal muscles, and ensures relief from constipation.


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