10 Pranayamas And Yoga Asanas To Relieve Stress

Zee Media Bureau
Sep 22, 2023

1. Anuloma and Viloma

This pranayama is very effective in relieving stress. It restores, equalises and balances the flow of prana in the body, resulting in deep breaths and preventing stress-borne diseases.

2. Kapalbhati

Kapalbhati instills energy even if performed for just five minutes. It calms your mind, and helps you with mood swings and minor anxiety.

3. Shitali Pranayama

Shitali Pranayama is a cooling form of pranayama, which is great for calming the mind and body, resulting in lower hypertension and relaxed nerves.

4. Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama includes making a bumble bee's sound with your breath. This vibration can calm your mind, and reduce anxiety or stress.

5. Sukhasana

Sukhasana helps in relaxing the mind and body while strengthening back muscles. It enables you to calm down and eliminate anxiety.

6. Balasana

Balasana or child pose helps create an inward focus and restore energy. It supports mental and physical relaxation.

7. Savasana

Savasana is an essential restorative asana that focuses on breathing deeply. This helps you calm your mind and let go off tension.

8. Chandra Bhedana Pranayama

This pranayama involves breathing from the left to the right nostril, inhaling moon energy and exhaling sun energy. It calms your mind and relieves anxiety.

9. Viparita Karani

Viparita Karani or legs-up-the-wall asana provides deep relaxation while boosting lymph flow and circulation. It is for channeling and cooling energies of the body and mind.

10. Marjaryasana

Marjaryasana or Cat Pose helps relieve stress, increase spinal flexibility and mobility and create emotional balance.


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