Mangoes can easily trigger an allergy as proteins in the fruit are very similar to latex which can cause discomfort and soreness to people
Mangoes have side effects on the stomach and can cause indigestion
Ripe mangoes contain a chemical called carbide that may not be safe for consumption in the human body
Eating many mangoes can cause diarrhoea
Overeating mangoes can cause severe muscle cramps
Eating too many mangoes can cause weight gain
If you have diabetes, eating too many mangoes can adversely affect you
Mangoes have a warm effect on the body which may lead to acne and breakouts.
Anaphylactic shock is an allergic reaction of a person that can lead to nausea, vomiting, shock, and unconsciousness if not treated immediately
Some varieties of mango are very low in fibre and so they do not help in smooth digestion. Mangoes can cause an upset stomach